Struggling to not be a workaholic
It's been over a year since I've written. A lot has happened in a year and I don't think I can even begin to summarize. Some good, some bad, some sad, some challenging and everything in between. It has all been part of the journey. I got the invoice for where this...
Finding Our Peace by way of Minimalism: Day 2
I'm an all or nothing kind of person. Either I'm going to do it or not. The challenging part sometimes is getting the family on board but we have done it! Day 2 of our journey was a good day and I was thrilled that everyone got on board... even my 2 kids, age 10 and...
Our Minimalist Journey: Day 1
Voluntary simplicity is not easy but it's necessary if we want to live our lives to their fullest purpose. The author points out that living with less is life giving and freeing. Minimalism is not new. It's been promoted for 1000s of years. May 27, 2023 we started a...
My Market America Magic Moments
*this post is dedicated to my mentor, Dr. Sheryl Duchess. Looking back I see now that she always believed in me and my abilities...sometimes moreso than I did in myself. She has a huge heart and I'm so blessed and grateful to call her mentor, friend and teammate.* God...
Pray for your country
Today. I’m praying for our country. I’m continuing faith that God has a bigger plan than anyone of can see right now. I know we are witnessing a time in history none of us here thought we would see … the ripping apart of the fabric of our country. The one side...
My Boy, the Dancer, Still Beaming With Joy
It's been 4 years since I wrestled with the decision to put my son in dance and I'm so glad I was open to letting him try. He is still beaming and just as excited as he was the first day of dance class in 2019. Since then we've endured the covid shutdown, taking dance...
Endings and Beginnings
Change is one of those things that arrives with mixed emotions. It’s weird to see the office I’ve been leasing look so empty. I’ve been in this space for 8 years and it has served us well. When we first moved in I renovated it to suit our goals at the time. One of my...
Pumpkins and Fall
What is it about pumpkins and fall that is so wonderfully fun? 🍂🎃🍁 We told the kids that we would buy them each a pumpkin and if they wanted more than one they would need to bring their own money. They were so smart and good about deciding what they wanted. Caitlyn...
Opportunity Over Obstacle
Did you know our brains are naturally wired for negativity? It’s called negativity bias. The news media is a good example of this…. They play to our emotions highlighting all the bad because it’s easier to be upset than happy; if there is upset then there can be...
Out of the Storms… Hope
I just drove through a heavy downpour to get the kids to dance class. There was no wavering, no turning back. We made it here. Shortly after Caitlyn got into class the sky brightened and the rain subsided. This is what I looked up and saw the beautiful sun shining....
Politics: How the aversion to such topics could cost us our liberty
It seems that leading up to an election political talk gets to be a bit much, so much so that by the time it’s over most just want to be done with it and move on with their lives. However this article talks about the importance of remaining vigilant of those governing of our nation and the policies they create.
Authentic Heart and Spirit
There's a lot of tension right now because of the election; a lot of judgement and intolerance yet a call for unity. I've been challenged emotionally, lost some of my focus yet continued the fight; continued to press on trying to find the words I have needed to say in...