National Pride

How do you celebrate your national heritage and pride?  Here’s a fun link to get you thinking.


There was a time when I was extremely passionate about politics. When my memories come up on Facebook for certain years, almost every post is political in nature…. All in an effort to educate and get the electorate engaged.  Since having children my...
Heartfelt Thank You to our Veterans

Heartfelt Thank You to our Veterans

The words “Thank you” seems so small…for a courage so great. To our veterans young and old, those wounded by the wages of war, those who fought for our freedoms and were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, I thank you with my whole heart. A...
Heartfelt Thank You to our Veterans

We are American

To my fellow Americans: I do not care if you are Republican, Tea Party Patriot, Democrat, Libertarian. I don’t really care if your straight, gay, christian, baptist, presbyterian, jewish, muslim, mormon or hindu. I don’t care what color your skin is. I do...