by Lisa | Aug 31, 2015 | Relationships, Toddlers
I love what a good daddy my husband is to our daughter. He has a hobby turned part-time career with scale model building that includes military vehicles and trains. She’s been very curious about what he’s up to at his work bench and he’s always...
by Lisa | Aug 30, 2015 | Inspiration, Relationships
…the two go hand in hand I really love how our pastors break things down and make them relevant to real life, real struggles of the heart, the world and how to take real action. There’s a recognition that we are all flawed, we make mistakes and an acceptance of that...
by Lisa | Aug 28, 2015 | Perspectives, Relationships
My friend’s father went to be with the Lord today. I’ve been honored to share in the journey during these last months of his life as he was battling cancer. What I saw in those few months was a man filled with joy that transcended all pain, sorrow and fear...