by Lisa | Mar 16, 2019 | Being Mom, Inspiration, Perspectives, Relationships
A vacation doesn’t have to be a “production”. Webster’s dictionary defines the word ‘vacation’ simply as “a respite or a time of respite from something” and also “a period spent away from home or business in travel...
by Lisa | Sep 10, 2018 | Being Mom, Inspiration, Perspectives
* I dedicate this post to my younger sister who has become one of my best friends; who is going through her own journey of letting go; who laughs with me through the goofiness and challenges motherhood brings especially watching our babies grow up.* Yards of linen...
by Lisa | Jul 30, 2018 | Animal Companions, Perspectives
Laying here with my handsome pup, Dakota. He may be 14 but he will always be my puppy. His love for me and mine for him is immeasurable. He’s been through a great many of life’s twists and turns. Through it all he’s been a shining star. He’s getting older now and not...
by Lisa | Jul 1, 2018 | Being Mom, Perspectives, Raising Responsible Humans
We aim to teach our children about real life; that their are consequences to our choices… good and bad; and taking responsibility for those actions. This weekend, my husband and I decided it was time to replace our back door. As most large home projects go, they...
by Lisa | Oct 5, 2016 | Perspectives
The air is cool yet humid; the clouds linger; the parking lots are full and there is a line of cars at the gas station. Living in Florida means you will encounter a hurricane at some point. You will run to the store to get those last minute things and make your...
by Lisa | Aug 28, 2015 | Perspectives, Relationships
My friend’s father went to be with the Lord today. I’ve been honored to share in the journey during these last months of his life as he was battling cancer. What I saw in those few months was a man filled with joy that transcended all pain, sorrow and fear...