As parents we are exhausted most of the time. We get so wrapped up in the daily grind and sometimes it’s just about survival. At the end of the day and at the end of a battle to get them in bed, it’s a relief to have the children all tucked cozily under their covers with their heads on their pillows. There’s a big sigh of relief. Not to mention… they look so cute and innocent when they are asleep!
One night after tucking my daughter in (under 3 blankets), I paused as I left her room, looked at her, blew her a kiss and thought – “she is not going to be little forever…”. As I walked away from her room the following poem came to light…
I’m in no hurry
to say goodnight
‘Cos tomorrow you’ll be
Another day older
I’ll kiss your head
Once again as you asked
Give you the extra hug
And I’ll read you another story
I will get you the band-aid
Help you blow your nose
Kiss your cheek
And say one more prayer
I’m in no hurry
To say goodnight
‘Cos tomorrow you’ll be
Another day older
I want to treasure
Each little moment
And if it were possible
I’d even freeze time
To keep you little forever
I’m in no hurry
To say goodnight
My sweet baby girl
You are my first
My angel, my treasure
I will thank God forever
For the chance to be
Your loving momma
Goodnight sweet girl
Though I’m in no hurry
You must sleep
So we can play tomorrow
Love always
Written 6/26/16
Follow-up: Since writing this, I don’t hesitate to linger a moment longer, to give her an extra hug and kiss, to talk with her or even pray with her. One day she’s going to grow up, be gone from my arms and hugging her own little one. For now, no matter how trying she can be, God has blessed me with a beautiful daughter that is teaching me so very much.
Image attribution: John Vanderpoel [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons