I needed to cook dinner and decided it was going to be chicken for this evening’s meal. It was frozen so I pulled it out to thaw. About 3 or 4 in the afternoon it was still thawing and I thought “there’s no way I will have time to thaw it and then cook so I searched google for “how to cook frozen chicken”. Low and behold, I came across this link!! Eureka! http://www.cookinglight.com/cooking-101/techniques/how-to-cook-frozen-chicken-safely-without-thawing
Further down in the search results was a recipe. So I clicked on that and there it was… my dinner for tonight! Alas… the only ingredient I didn’t have was BBQ sauce….however, I did have ALL the ingredients to make BBQ sauce! Here is my new recipe combined from the 2 references below.
Baked BBQ Chicken:
9 x 13 inch baking dish
3-4 large chicken breasts – frozen
3-4 small potatoes cut in chunks
*I doubled the base recipe (link below) and then added more tomatoes so everything is approximate. cook to taste. It ends up being a delicious sweet yet tangy sauce.
1 cup or so ketchup (I ended up using the rest of what was in my container)
1 – 8 oz can tomato sauce (unsalted)
1 – 14.5 oz can petite diced tomatoes, plain, unsalted
5 TBSP Worcestershire sauce
5 TBSP (or so) brown sugar3
3 TBSP cider vengar
2 tsp garlic powder
3/4 tsp mustard powder
Drizzle of honey (it’s probably about a tsp or so – I didn’t measure this one)
Spray baking ban with non-stick spray.
Heat oven to 375°
Put frozen chicken in baking pan
Here are the original links to both the chicken and the BBQ sauce I used as a base so I can give credit where it’s due. However the final version of the sauce was my personal improvisation.
- http://www.food.com/recipe/easy-frozen-chicken-breast-265634
- http://allrecipes.com/recipe/19611/bar-b-que-sauce/