We are so busy these days running from event to event, place to place, work, home, church, kids’ events and so on that rarely do we have an opportunity to just be; to breathe in life and find refreshment. Add to that keeping busy to ignore the grief of losing my beloved companions, Dakota and Shug.
So busy I haven’t even written here in my blog since June… until today!
I had lunch with a friend (& mentor) recently and he asked me what was new. My answer was that I have realized I have no idea what my dreams are for my life. I’ve been so busy going from one thing to the next, helping everyone with their dreams, I barely stop to take a breath. My business slogan is — “helping your dreams take flight”. So what about mine? If you asked me right now I’d tell you I don’t know what my own dreams are currently. I dreamt of getting married, a family, horses and creating a business. Ok, here I am… so now what?
Who am I?
Where am I going?
What are my dreams / goals?
The conversation with my friend culminated in the realization and commitment to find space in our weeks for our own self; for contemplating; for ‘stopping to smell the roses’ and ultimately to allow the answers to who we are and where we are going to flow into our lives more freely.
Those 2 words have been ruminating with me ever since — ‘Find Space’ — and they sit heavily on my mind (in a good sense) making me more keenly aware of how I am spending or not spending my time. I am now asking myself, in what ways am I caring for ME? In what ways am I allowing time for God to speak into my life to help show me my dreams? In what ways am I slowing down to just take in nature around me.
Everyone finds space in different ways. I was surprised to have found mine on a field trip feeding some cows on a huge farm. I was with my daughter and her entire 1st grade class. The moment I was petting that cow, though, I was alone with nature, at peace and was refreshed. I allowed myself to simply soak in the energy. For me, connecting in with animals is connecting in with God. They are like this conduit to His energy. It’s so hard to put into words exactly… it just IS and it’s beautiful and amazing!
I feel the same way about connecting with my horses. It’s almost magical…. and I need to ensure I get more of that time.
Today I found space while home with my 3 year old son. I had work I could do this afternoon; Instead I saw his unpainted wooden sailboat sitting on the shelf across the room. I asked him if he’d like to to paint it. He’s been asking for days so sure enough it was a “yes!!” We picked out colors, got all set up and we painted all afternoon… for a couple hours! I grabbed a couple of my projects and he painted his sailboat, a canvas for his sister and experimented painting with feathers.

I even grabbed a glass of wine and allowed myself to fully relax into my painting, continuing my projects long after Isaac was done with his works of art. I was still working when my husband and daughter got home so she joined right in too and created her own work of art. I loved watching her really sink herself into her painting.
When we were each finished I pulled out a large canvas and we all used up the remaining paint on a together project, complete with handprints!
Afterward I made dinner, not even stressing about the time…. fully relaxed.
Result: I feel refreshed, alive and ready to tackle my work projects with a clearer head.
Have I figured out my dreams yet? No and that’s ok. I know now they will come the more I find space.
What I AM discovering …
– I can find space anywhere and at any time if I only allow it to enter in
– I have passions beyond computers and websites and it’s ok to cultivate those
– Nature is one the primary ways I am connect to God and re-center myself
– Painting is quieting to my soul, and to my mind; almost meditative for me
I am a mother of 2 children (ages 6 and 3), a wife, friend and a business owner. I lead a very busy life and I will always make time for my family, friends and everyone around me. Its time to take care of ME too.
It’s not only important for us to practice this for ourselves…. it’s what we are teaching our kids by doing so.
You know how on the airlines they tell you to get your own oxygen set first then care for others?
We must do the same in everyday life. Taking care of ourselves is like getting our own oxygen set first. And once we have done that we are so much better equipped to be there for others, and do the things we were meant to do in our lives.
I encourage you to FIND SPACE for YOU, starting today.